Optimize Images for Faster Website Speed: Using WebP with the ‘Converter for Media’ Plugin

by | Dec 7, 2023

A little web design tip for you today: if you’re running a WordPress website, serving your images in WebP format has never been easier, thanks to the “Converter for Media” WordPress plugin. In this post, we’ll explore why you should consider using WebP images, how to implement this format with the “Converter for Media” plugin, and a quick disclaimer regarding any potential issues.

The Benefits of WebP Images

  1. Improved Page Loading Speed: WebP is a highly efficient image format, allowing your web pages to load faster. Faster loading times are crucial for keeping visitors engaged and satisfied.
  2. Enhanced SEO: Google considers page speed as a ranking factor. By using WebP images, you can potentially improve your website’s search engine rankings and visibility, leading to increased organic traffic.
  3. Better User Experience: Users expect websites to load quickly and smoothly. WebP images contribute to a better user experience, reducing bounce rates and improving conversions.
  4. Bandwidth and Hosting Savings: WebP images have smaller file sizes, which can save you money on bandwidth and hosting costs, making it a cost-effective choice for website owners.

How to Serve WebP Images with the “Converter for Media” Plugin

Here’s how you can serve WebP images on your WordPress website using the “Converter for Media” plugin:

  1. Install and Activate the Plugin: Go to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to “Plugins,” click on “Add New,” search for “Converter for Media,” and install/activate the plugin.
  2. Plugin Configuration: Once activated, go to the plugin settings. Configure the options to enable WebP image conversion and optimization. You can usually choose between different levels of compression and specify which images to convert to WebP. The default settings worked fine for our website.
  3. Bulk Conversion: Many plugins, including “Converter for Media,” offer the option to perform a bulk conversion of your existing images to WebP format. This is a time-saving feature that ensures all your images are optimized.
  4. Automatic Conversion: The plugin will automatically convert and serve WebP images to compatible browsers. It will also provide fallback formats (e.g., JPEG or PNG) for browsers that don’t support WebP.
  5. Test and Monitor: After setting up the plugin, regularly test your website’s performance and image loading times to ensure that WebP images are being served effectively. You can use online tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to assess your site’s performance.


While implementing the “Converter for Media” plugin is generally straightforward, it’s important to note that I am not responsible for any potential damage to your content or site during the installation or use of the plugin. Always back up your website before making significant changes, and proceed with caution.

Let ScreenTrend Take Care of It for You!

If you prefer a hassle-free experience, ScreenTrend, my web design company, can set up WebP image conversion for you. Contact us, and we’ll ensure your website enjoys the benefits of faster loading times and improved performance. Your visitors will thank you for a faster and more enjoyable browsing experience.

Photo by Spencer Davis on Unsplash


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