If you’ve ever been on a website and noticed elements suddenly moving around as the page loads, you’ve experienced Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS). This metric measures the instability of a webpage’s layout as it loads, where content unexpectedly shifts on the screen, causing text to move, buttons to relocate, or images to jump. Not only does this make websites feel slow and unsteady, but it’s also incredibly frustrating, especially when you’re trying to read or click something.
CLS can negatively impact a user’s experience and give the impression that a website is poorly built. It occurs for various reasons, like images loading late or ads pushing content around. Fixing CLS can be tricky, requiring a careful approach to web design and thorough testing to ensure that everything stays in place as it should.
At ScreenTrend, we take CLS seriously. We understand how annoying it can be and how it can harm your site’s performance and user satisfaction. That’s why we ensure that every website we build is free from these disruptive layout shifts. We carefully plan and implement our designs to keep your content stable, making your website not only faster but also more enjoyable to use.
We’re also thrilled that Google has made CLS a ranking factor in its search algorithm. This change is great news for both users and web designers because it encourages everyone to create more stable and user-friendly websites. At ScreenTrend, we’re proud to be ahead of the curve, addressing CLS to improve your site’s performance and contribute to a better web for everyone.